My Digital Executor is a service created by a lawyer, Graham Ross. Graham has over 20 years experience in IT and the law, is the author of legal applications software (including the original version of the QUILL solicitor’s accounts and time recording package) and was the founder of LAWTEL, the popular web-based legal information update service. Graham is Vice President (Europe) for Modria Inc ( , a Silicon Valley spin-off company from eBay and PayPal which is the leading provider of systems in the developing field of Online Dispute Resolution
Graham is a Fellow of the National Centre for Technology and Dispute Resolution at the University of Massachusetts. Graham speaks regularly at international conferences on the impact of the law on the Internet and e-commerce and on technology in the judiciary and Alternative Dispute Resolution. Graham was host of the 5th International Conference on Online Dispute Resolution held in Liverpool, UK, in 2007 in collaboration with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) . Graham was a member of the Working Party of the European Committee on Standardisation (CEN) which developid a taxonomy for Online Dispute Resolution and currently is a team member of the EMCOD project ( which is creating a facility for the European Union for the measurement of justice through ODR . Graham is also a leading trainer in ODR having created the accredited distance training course in ODR provided by TheMediationRoom to mediators in over 15 countries.