When designing the protocol for this service, we were concerned that any service offering to accumulate sensitive login details would itself be a magnet for hackers and crooks. We have decided, therefore, to not ask members to upload their information nor even to give it to us in any format.
Instead we have decided to go back to the basics of professional confidentiality. You will be referred to a solicitor who has joined our panel specifically to help administer this scheme. The information will not be held in digital form (you will not be asked to input online forms with the information) . We will not have access to your passwords.
The benefit of this system is that instead of trusting in a web company of whom you know very little, and who may not be around when you pass away, you will have a firm of solicitors directly responsible for looking after you. This means you will have the benefit of a service provider regulated by law as well as the benefit of professional indemnity insurance.
A further benefit is that all our panel solicitors will be guided by experts in the subject to ensure they receive specialist advice on identifying and valuing your digital assets and on practical measures for their continuity to the extent you so require it.
Most importantly of all, procedures will be followed to ensure that your instructions with regard to your digital estate are not overlooked.
On joining you will be given a form of Codicil to be completed by you and attached to your Will. If you have not yet made a Will, the solicitor will advise you on making a Will and will ensure one is drawn up that does not conflict with your wishes as you have set them out. The solicitor will give you a quotation for his or her fees for drawing up a Will but there is no obligation on your part and you are free to instruct any other solicitor for that work or to do one yourself (albeit it is usually not wise to try to do it yourself save for the most simple of situations).